Ash Wednesday Masses | March 5
- 8 AM, 12 PM Noon, and 5:30 PM
- See Fasting & Abstinence Guidelines (Ash Wednesday and throughout Lent)
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
- Mondays from 3-7 PM
Pray Together
- (click to download prayer card)

Sacrament of Reconciliation
- Saturdays at 9 AM (except April 19. On April 12, both priests will be present.)
- Tuesdays following 5:30 PM Mass (usually begins approx. 6 PM)
- Wednesday, April 9: A Day of Reconciliation, Reparation and Fasting". Archbishop Grob is asking the Catholic faithful to observe a Day of Reconciliation, Reparation, and Fasting during the season of Lent of this Jubilee Year.
- 12 Hours of Reconciliation: 11 parishes throughout the Archdiocese (includes Saint Margaret Mary Church from 8 AM to 8 PM) will open their doors for twelve hours for confession. SEE all participating parishes and times.
- Reparation and Fasting: Catholics throughout the archdiocese are invited to also fast and make small acts of reparation by reflecting on where we individually, and as a society, have failed to be signs of hope to others. SEE more information about this and other archdiocesan initiatives throughout the Jubilee Year.
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Rice Bowl
- It’s the 50th anniversary of this Lenten program.
- It’s a community effort of our faith-in-action for our sisters and brothers in need around the world.
- We’ll encounter families in Nigeria, Guatemala and Bangladesh.
- We’ll learn about the principles of Catholic social teaching and ways we can put them into action.
- It will help us engage daily with the spiritual pillars of Lent: prayer, fasting and almsgiving.
- Rice Bowls will be available at church entrances March 8/9.
- Visit crsricebowl.org for more information
Food Drive
We’ll collect non-perishable items such as canned protein (peanut butter, beans, tuna, chili, etc.), canned vegetables and fruits, cereal, rice, pasta and sauce for the All Saints Parish Food Pantry, serving those in need in the All Saints Parish area in the city of Milwaukee. Donated items can be placed in marked bins at church entrances March 5 - March 23.
The Triduum, the Three Great Days–Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday leading up to Easter Sunday, is the most important celebration of the liturgical year! Though spanning three days, liturgically it is treated as one continuous celebration, highlighting the unity of Christ's Paschal Mystery: Jesus' Passion, Death, and Resurrection–the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus that brought salvation to humanity. If you haven’t been able to attend this incredible celebration in year’s past, or it has been several since attending, this is the year to return and experience it!
Holy Thursday Mass, April 17, at 7 PM
Lent ends at sundown. This Mass is like no other; we experience an intimacy to Christ, an intimacy to one another that is unequaled! (Collection designated for All Saints Partnership.)
Good Friday Service, April 18, at 3 PM
This service is a continuation of what we began last evening but the tone is completely different. We stand in awe of the Cross of Christ: an instrument of torture, the instrument of our salvation, the symbol of God’s unbounding love for us. (Worldwide collection supporting the sites of the Holy Land.)
Easter Blessing of Food, Holy Saturday, April 19, at 11:30 AM
Easter Vigil, Saturday, April 19, at 8:00 PM
The culmination of the celebrations of the past two days, this is the most important liturgy of the year. This liturgy is long but that’s the point: we need time to celebrate the mystery of our faith! The church needs you to be there, on this night of nights, to keep vigil, to bear witness to Christ’s Resurrection.
Easter Sunday Masses, April 20, at 8:00 & 10:30 AM
Concludes the celebration of the Triduum. Those who want to return for Mass today may receive communion again. This Mass is, in a way, an extra celebration for those who attended the Vigil but in no way can replace it. We gather in the bright morning of new life to celebrate the Resurrection anew!