Join us for the Celebration of the Eucharist (“the Mass”), the central act of worship of our faith and the source and summit of our life as Christians. The entire life of the parish centers around the Sunday celebration of the Mass.
Weekend Masses
- Saturdays | 4 PM
- Sundays | 8 & 10:30 AM
Daily Mass
- Mondays | 8 AM
- Tuesdays | 5:30 PM
- Wednesdays | 12 PM
- Thursdays | 8 AM
- Fridays | 12 PM
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
- Mondays | 3-7 PM
- Saturdays | 9 AM
- Tuesdays | Following 5:30 PM Mass (typically ends by 6:00 PM)
Personal Prayer and Reflection in Church
- Monday-Friday | 6:30 AM to 7 PM
Funeral Masses/Services
- Funeral homes should call one of the parish priests at 414-258-2604 in the event of a death.